How to check website traffic with google analytics

Welcome to world of bloggers. So you are inspired by some of the top bloggers, you started your niche blog. No matter what platform you have used for blogging, but wordpress is the best platform for blog. It does not matter if you are running a blog or website.

You have a good-looking website which is very creatively designed. But the main reason for developing website is for sales conversion or for awareness. Without knowing how your site is performing world-wide, whether someone is visiting your website or not. So to check website traffic, google have developed an online tool for check website traffic.

Many bloggers and website owners use the tool to monitor website traffic and visitors whether they are getting good visitors from the targeted countries or specific locations.

It is very simple to get a google analytics account for your website or blog. You can use your same google account for sign up for analytics program. I will show you step by step tutorial on how to get google analytics account.

  1. Sign in to google account. Enter url
  2. Click on the sign up
  3. You can choose option universal analytics or classic analytics as per your requirement
  4. Now setting up your account, fill the all required fields as shown
  5. Once you have entered every field. Click on the get tracking button at the bottom. Click on the agreement after reading the TOS.
  6. Now you will see your tracking id which starts from UA-45900000 etc. If you want to use the tracking code on your html website. Just copy that script and add it to your html files and if you are using it for wordpress, use google analytic plugin and just enter the tracking id.
  7. Now google analytics will verify your code on the html files in 6-8 hours or it will take a day.
  8. Once your account is verified, you have to login in your google analytics account to access the stats for your website as shown in below screenshots.
    If you want to learn the google analytics report in details visit this site: google analytics will help to improve your website performance. For example you will be aware about using good seo and quality contents for your website or blog. You can also use google other products such as Google Webmaster and Google Keyword planner to improve your site SEO. Getting traffic to your website is not a rocket science but if you learn basic things of SEO optimization and keyword analysis you will get good traffic to website or your blog.

    Other basic thing would be generating a sitemap and uploading it to root folder of your website, you add a sitemap from google webmaster tool also you can check the performance of your website, I think a website with basic design but with good traffic always will be great for conversion, rather than having a very creative designed website but with a poor traffic.

    Website or blog should be responsive and simple designed. People come to your site for information but not for entertainment. Yes mix of entertainment and information also works well. Hope my tutorial have helped you today! Enjoy!

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